eitle History
Where you could find pinball machines in every second restaurant in the 90s, and later darts were seen, there are no amusement games anymore. So pinball machines vanished also from my awareness like darts and table soccer.
At least until March 2002. In this time I built the "Eitlen Computer Museum" and booted an old "Commodore Amiga 500" in which there was a pinball disk. So I rememberd my pinball fascination and the silver ball in the wood box from my childhood. After 30 minutes at the computer pinball game it was clear: I needed to own a pinball machine. So I went to the phone and called every vending machine operator until I found one, which sold me my favorite games "The Addams Family" and "Indiana Jones". A few days later all my friends shook their heads about me, because I played one hour after another while trying to crack highscores. And then there came more and more pinball machines untlil my condo got to small..
In March 2003 the goal was clear: A pinball hall had to be created, where I could place my machines, but if, then the right way: public! In April I exposed the old house and on November 21, 2003 the "Eitle Spielhalle"
opend it's gates the first time.
From the beginning I wanted to run the game room with the largest publically available pinball collection. In time also table soccer and arcade racers were aquired..
From 2005 to 2013 there where also busses as mobile gamerooms on the road: the "Eitle Spielbus v1"
- later the "Eitle Spielbus v2". In December 2013 the "Eitle Spielhalle" closed it's regulary service and is now available exclusive for events of any kind.
On the other hand offers the "Eitle Flipperkabinett" daily from 3 to 10 pm coin operated pinball machines to play in the same location...
All bussines areas from "Eitle Spiele" are closed in April 2014.
Daniel Schmatz
(company owner)